Subscription Information

The West Way members platform has been created to give anyone anywhere the chance to learn these practical healing and health enhancing practices at home.

The classes have been selected as the most accessible and suitable practices that can be taught online to give members the greatest benefits possible.  All the practices are taught as instructed by internationally recognized Tai Chi & Qigong bodies.

This is what is available to members;

Full members subscription plan (€28 per month) which includes

  • 5 live ZOOM classes a week with live instructor which are recorded and made available for members to view anytime
  • Resource pages which contain past classes for each week, so you can catch up or simply practice whenever you feel like it’ as well as “follow me” routines of what is taught in the classes and selected lessons
  • Weekly newsletter to give schedule for the week and up to date news
  • One on one private online lessons with Instructor available for discounted rate
  • Substantial discounts on all West Way run in person classes/workshops

What you can learn;

  • Tai Chi the style taught is “Chen style”, and is the original form that the other modernly practiced Tai Chi styles come from. For more information click here
  • Ba Duan Jin The Eight Treasures Qigong(八段錦) is one of the most common and widely practiced forms of Chinese Health Qigong in the world today.  Variously translated as the Eight Treasures, Eight Pieces of Brocade, Eight-Section Brocade, Eight Silken Movements or Eight Silk Weaving, the name of the form generally refers to how the eight individual movements characterize and impart a silken quality to the body and its energy. For more information click here
  • Healing Sounds Combining ancient Taoist healing techniques with more modern Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Healing Sounds Qigong set of six movements and accompanying sounds give comprehensive benefits for your internal organs, external viscera and the opening of energy channels throughout the body. The sounds produced improve and regulate organ functions while the movements stimulate the related acupoints and meridians. For more information click here
  • Tai Chi Stick Health Preservation Exercises Each of the exercises that comprise the Stick Qigong set work the whole body internally and externally giving tremendous benefits to the mind and energy/blood channels therein. For more information click here
  • Vision & Body Improvement Qigong The practices we go through in the lasses work the whole body centred around improving the functioning of the eyes and associated organs and energy channels.For more information click here

Current Members Weekly Zoom Classes Timetable (GMT)

MondaysTai Chi Foundations
Ba Duan Jin
WednesdaysMorning Start-Up Tai Chi Stick Health Exercises
FridaysMorning Start-Up

You can join anytime! no fixed term contract for only €28 per month for full online membership, …………..EXCLUSIVE, 1 weeks free trial for all new subscribers!!!


“Being a member of West Way Tai Chi & Qigong continues to enhance my health and wellbeing.  With Kevin’s careful tutoring and patience, we are constantly refining and gaining a greater understanding of the health benefits of each movement.  Access to past classes after the live sessions, and the members’ resource pages, is a much-appreciated bonus.” Eileen

“His classes are so enjoyable, invigorating and supportive for a beginner and as the movements become more familiar he keeps getting deeper into the practice so that there is always something new to discover. The online resources allowed me to make a lot of progress in a short time. They gave me the discipline to do daily practice” Angela

My partner and I have been training with Kevin for over 2 years now and greatly enjoy learning Tai Chi and Qi Gong.  Although we have since moved away from Ennis; we’re delighted to be able to continue our classes online and look forward to future in person weekend training events. The recorded classes are also very handy as they allow us to catch up at our own time if we are unable to attend the live sessions.
We find the classes very clear, informative and offer many health benefits which we can really notice including balance, coordination, mindfulness and strength training. 

Kevin is an excellent teacher and creates a relaxed, friendly and open atmosphere and welcomes us to ask questions to further enhance our practice. He really takes the time to explain the teachings in great detail in a meaningful way and his dedication and enthusiasm for the practice is infectious.
I would really encourage anyone looking for positive mind-body wellbeing classes to give these classes a try to get your ‘chi’ and vitality flowing!
